Published on January 5, 2006


SECURITY AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), dated as of December 29, 2005, by
and among Digicorp, a Utah corporation (the "Company"), and the Rebel Crew
Holdings, LLC and its respective endorsees, transferees and assigns (the
"Secured Party").

W I T N E S S E T H:

WHEREAS, pursuant to a Securities Purchase Agreement, dated the date
hereof, between Company and the Secured Party (the "Purchase Agreement"), the
Company has agreed to issue to the Secured Party and the Secured Party has
agreed to purchase from the Company a 4.5% Secured Convertible Note, due five
years from the date of issue (the "Note"), which is convertible into shares of
the Company's Common Stock, par value $.001 per share (the "Common Stock");

WHEREAS, simultaneously herewith, the Company is entering into a Stock
Purchase Agreement (the "Stock Purchase Agreement") pursuant to which the
Company is purchasing all of the issued and outstanding shares of capital stock
of Rebel Crew Films, Inc., a California corporation ("Rebel Crew Films"), from
the stockholders of Rebel Crew Films (the "Rebel Crew Films Stockholders"); and

WHEREAS, in order to induce the Rebel Crew Films Stockholders to enter
into the Stock Purchase Agreement and to induce the Secured Party to purchase
the Note, the Company has agreed to execute and deliver to the Secured Party
this Agreement for the benefit of the Secured Party and to grant to it a first
priority security interest in certain property of the Company to secure the
prompt payment, performance and discharge in full of all of the Company's
obligations under the Note.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements herein contained and
for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

1. Certain Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms
shall have the meanings set forth in this Section 1. Terms used but not
otherwise defined in this Agreement that are defined in Article 9 of the UCC
(such as "general intangibles" and "proceeds") shall have the respective
meanings given such terms in Article 9 of the UCC.

(a) "Collateral" means the collateral in which the Secured Party is
granted a security interest by this Agreement and which shall include the
following, whether presently owned or existing or hereafter acquired or coming
into existence, and all additions and accessions thereto and all substitutions
and replacements thereof, and all proceeds, products and accounts thereof,
including, without limitation, all proceeds from the sale or transfer of the
Collateral and of insurance covering the same and of any tort claims in
connection therewith:

(i) All Goods of the Company, including, without limitations, all
machinery, equipment, computers, motor vehicles, trucks, tanks, boats,
ships, appliances, furniture, special and general tools, fixtures, test
and quality control devices and other equipment of every kind and nature
and wherever situated, together with all documents of title and documents
representing the same, all additions and accessions thereto, replacements
therefor, all parts therefor, and all substitutes for any of the foregoing
and all other items used and useful in connection with the Company's
businesses and all improvements thereto (collectively, the "Equipment");

(ii) All Inventory of the Company;

(iii) All of the Company's contract rights and general intangibles,
including, without limitation, all partnership interests, stock or other
securities, licenses, distribution and other agreements, computer software
development rights, leases, franchises, customer lists, quality control
procedures, grants and rights, goodwill, trademarks, service marks, trade
styles, trade names, patents, patent applications, copyrights, deposit
accounts, and income tax refunds (collectively, the "General

(iv) All Receivables of the Company including all insurance
proceeds, and rights to refunds or indemnification whatsoever owing,
together with all instruments, all documents of title representing any of
the foregoing, all rights in any merchandising, goods, equipment, motor
vehicles and trucks which any of the same may represent, and all right,
title, security and guaranties with respect to each Receivable, including
any right of stoppage in transit; and

(v) All of the Company's documents, instruments and chattel paper,
files, records, books of account, business papers, computer programs and
the products and proceeds of all of the foregoing Collateral set forth in
clauses (i)-(iv) above; and

(vi) All of the capital stock of any corporation or other entity
owned by the Company.

(b) "Obligations" means all of the Company's obligations under this
Agreement and the Note, in each case, whether now or hereafter existing,
voluntary or involuntary, direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, liquidated
or unliquidated, whether or not jointly owed with others, and whether or not
from time to time decreased or extinguished and later decreased, created or
incurred, and all or any portion of such obligations or liabilities that are
paid, to the extent all or any part of such payment is avoided or recovered
directly or indirectly from the Secured Party as a preference, fraudulent
transfer or otherwise as such obligations may be amended, supplemented,
converted, extended or modified from time to time.

(c) "UCC" means the Uniform Commercial Code, as currently in effect
in the State of California.


2. Grant of Security Interest. As an inducement for the Secured Party to
purchase the Note and to secure the complete and timely payment, performance and
discharge in full, as the case may be, of all of the Obligations, the Company
hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably, pledges, grants and hypothecates to the
Secured Party, a continuing security interest in, a continuing first lien upon,
an unqualified right to possession and disposition of and a right of set-off
against, in each case to the fullest extent permitted by law, all of the
Company's right, title and interest of whatsoever kind and nature in and to the
Collateral (the "Security Interest").

3. Representations, Warranties, Covenants and Agreements of the Company.
The Company represents and warrants to, and covenants and agrees with, the
Secured Party as follows:

(a) The Company has the requisite corporate power and authority to
enter into this Agreement and otherwise to carry out its obligations thereunder.
The execution, delivery and performance by the Company of this Agreement and the
filings contemplated therein have been duly authorized by all necessary action
on the part of the Company and no further action is required by the Company.
This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Company
enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as enforceability may be
limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws
affecting the enforcement of creditor's rights generally.

(b) The Company represents and warrants that it has no place of
business or offices where its respective books of account and records are kept
(other than temporarily at the offices of its attorneys or accountants) or
places where Collateral is stored or located, except as set forth on Schedule A
attached hereto;

(c) The Company is the sole owner of the Collateral (except for
non-exclusive licenses granted by the Company in the ordinary course of
business), free and clear of any liens, security interests, encumbrances, rights
or claims, and is fully authorized to grant the Security Interest in and to
pledge the Collateral. There is not on file in any governmental or regulatory
authority, agency or recording office an effective financing statement, security
agreement, license or transfer or any notice of any of the foregoing (other than
those that have been filed in favor of the Secured Party pursuant to this
Agreement) covering or affecting any of the Collateral. So long as this
Agreement shall be in effect, the Company shall not execute and shall not
knowingly permit to be on file in any such office or agency any such financing
statement or other document or instrument (except to the extent filed or
recorded in favor of the Secured Party pursuant to the terms of this Agreement).

(d) No part of the Collateral has been judged invalid or
unenforceable. No written claim has been received that any Collateral or the
Company's use of any Collateral violates the rights of any third party. There
has been no adverse decision to the Company's claim of ownership rights in or
exclusive rights to use the Collateral in any jurisdiction or to the Company's
right to keep and maintain such Collateral in full force and effect, and there
is no proceeding involving said rights pending or, to the best knowledge of the
Company, threatened before any court, judicial body, administrative or
regulatory agency, arbitrator or other governmental authority.

(e) The Company shall at all times maintain its books of account and
records relating to the Collateral at its principal place of business and its
Collateral at the locations set forth on Schedule A attached hereto and may not
relocate such books of account and records or tangible Collateral unless it
delivers to the Secured Party at least 30 days prior to such relocation: (i)
written notice of such relocation and the new location thereof (which must be
within the United States); and (ii) evidence that appropriate financing
statements and other necessary documents have been filed and recorded and other
steps have been taken to perfect the Security Interest to create in favor of the
Secured Party valid, perfected and continuing first priority liens in the


(f) This Agreement creates in favor of the Secured Party a valid
security interest in the Collateral securing the payment and performance of the
Obligations and, upon making the filings described in the immediately following
sentence, a perfected first priority security interest in such Collateral.
Except for the filing of financing statements on Form UCC-1 under the UCC with
the jurisdictions indicated on Schedule B, attached hereto, no authorization or
approval of or filing with or notice to any governmental authority or regulatory
body is required either: (i) for the grant by the Company of, or the
effectiveness of, the Security Interest granted hereby or for the execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement by the Company; or (ii) for the
perfection of or exercise by the Secured Party of its rights and remedies

(g) On the date of execution of this Agreement, the Company will
deliver to the Secured Party one or more executed UCC financing statements on
Form UCC-1 with respect to the Security Interest for filing with the
jurisdictions indicated on Schedule B, attached hereto and in such other
jurisdictions as may be requested by the Secured Party.

(h) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement does
not conflict with or cause a breach or default, or an event that with or without
the passage of time or notice, shall constitute a breach or default, under any
agreement to which the Company is a party or by which the Company is bound. No
consent (including, without limitation, from stock holders or creditors of the
Company) is required for the Company to enter into and perform its obligations

(i) The Company shall at all times maintain the liens and Security
Interest provided for hereunder as valid and perfected first priority liens and
security interests in the Collateral in favor of the Secured Party until this
Agreement and the Security Interest hereunder shall terminate pursuant to
Section 11. The Company hereby agrees to defend the same against any and all
persons. The Company shall safeguard and protect all Collateral for the account
of the Secured Party. At the request of the Secured Party, the Company will sign
and deliver to the Secured Party at any time or from time to time one or more
financing statements pursuant to the UCC (or any other applicable statute) in
form reasonably satisfactory to the Secured Party and will pay the cost of
filing the same in all public offices wherever filing is, or is deemed by the
Secured Party to be, necessary or desirable to effect the rights and obligations
provided for herein. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the
Company shall pay all fees, taxes and other amounts necessary to maintain the
Collateral and the Security Interest hereunder, and the Company shall obtain and
furnish to the Secured Party from time to time, upon demand, such releases
and/or subordinations of claims and liens which may be required to maintain the
priority of the Security Interest hereunder.

(j) The Company will not transfer, pledge, hypothecate, encumber,
license (except for non-exclusive licenses granted by the Company in the
ordinary course of business), sell or otherwise dispose of any of the Collateral
without the prior written consent of the Secured Party.


(k) The Company shall keep and preserve its Equipment, Inventory and
other tangible Collateral in good condition, repair and order and shall not
operate or locate any such Collateral (or cause to be operated or located) in
any area excluded from insurance coverage.

(l) The Company shall, within ten (10) business days of obtaining
knowledge thereof, advise the Secured Party promptly, in sufficient detail, of
any substantial change in the Collateral, and of the occurrence of any event
which would have a material adverse effect on the value of the Collateral or on
the Secured Party's security interest therein.

(m) The Company shall promptly execute and deliver to the Secured
Party such further deeds, mortgages, assignments, security agreements, financing
statements or other instruments, documents, certificates and assurances and take
such further action as the Secured Party may from time to time reasonably
request to perfect, protect or enforce its security interest in the Collateral.

(n) The Company shall permit the Secured Party and its
representatives and agents to inspect the Collateral at any time, and to make
copies of records pertaining to the Collateral as may be requested by the
Secured Party from time to time.

(o) The Company will take all steps reasonably necessary to
diligently pursue and seek to preserve, enforce and collect any rights, claims,
causes of action and accounts receivable in respect of the Collateral.

(p) The Company shall promptly notify the Secured Party in
sufficient detail upon becoming aware of any attachment, garnishment, execution
or other legal process levied against any Collateral and of any other
information received by the Company that may materially affect the value of the
Collateral, the Security Interest or the rights and remedies of the Secured
Party hereunder.

(q) All information heretofore, herein or hereafter supplied to the
Secured Party by or on behalf of the Company with respect to the Collateral is
accurate and complete in all material respects as of the date furnished.

4. Defaults. The following events shall be "Events of Default":

(a) The occurrence of an Event of Default (as defined in the Note)
under the Note;

(b) Any representation or warranty of the Company in this Agreement
shall prove to have been incorrect in any material respect when made; and

(c) The failure by the Company to observe or perform any of its
obligations hereunder for thirty (30) days after receipt by the Company of
notice of such failure from the Secured Party.


5. Duty To Hold In Trust. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default and
at any time thereafter, the Company shall, upon receipt by it of any revenue,
income or other sums subject to the Security Interest, whether payable pursuant
to the Note or otherwise, or of any check, draft, note, trade acceptance or
other instrument evidencing an obligation to pay any such sum, hold the same in
trust for the Secured Party and shall forthwith endorse and transfer any such
sums or instruments, or both, to the Secured Party for application to the
satisfaction of the Obligations.

6. Rights and Remedies Upon Default. Upon occurrence of any Event of
Default and at any time thereafter, the Secured Party shall have the right to
exercise all of the remedies conferred hereunder and under the Note, and the
Secured Party shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured party under
the UCC and/or any other applicable law (including the Uniform Commercial Code
of any jurisdiction in which any Collateral is then located). Without
limitation, the Secured Party shall have the following rights and powers:

(a) The Secured Party shall have the right to take possession of the
Collateral and, for that purpose, enter, with the aid and assistance of any
person, any premises where the Collateral, or any part thereof, is or may be
placed and remove the same, and the Company shall assemble the Collateral and
make it available to the Secured Party at places which the Secured Party shall
reasonably select, whether at the Company's premises or elsewhere, and make
available to the Secured Party, without rent, all of the Company's respective
premises and facilities for the purpose of the Secured Party taking possession
of, removing or putting the Collateral in saleable or disposable form.

(b) The Secured Party shall have the right to operate the business
of the Company using the Collateral and shall have the right to assign, sell,
lease or otherwise dispose of and deliver all or any part of the Collateral, at
public or private sale or otherwise, either with or without special conditions
or stipulations, for cash or on credit or for future delivery, in such parcel or
parcels and at such time or times and at such place or places, and upon such
terms and conditions as the Secured Party may deem commercially reasonable, all
without (except as shall be required by applicable statute and cannot be waived)
advertisement or demand upon or notice to the Company or right of redemption of
the Company, which are hereby expressly waived. Upon each such sale, lease,
assignment or other transfer of Collateral, the Secured Party may, unless
prohibited by applicable law which cannot be waived, purchase all or any part of
the Collateral being sold, free from and discharged of all trusts, claims, right
of redemption and equities of the Company, which are hereby waived and released.

7. Applications of Proceeds. The proceeds of any such sale, lease or other
disposition of the Collateral hereunder shall be applied first, to the expenses
of retaking, holding, storing, processing and preparing for sale, selling, and
the like (including, without limitation, any taxes, fees and other costs
incurred in connection therewith) of the Collateral, to the reasonable
attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the Secured Party in enforcing its
rights hereunder and in connection with collecting, storing and disposing of the
Collateral, and then to satisfaction of the Obligations, and to the payment of
any other amounts required by applicable law, after which the Secured Party
shall pay to the Company any surplus proceeds. If, upon the sale, license or
other disposition of the Collateral, the proceeds thereof are insufficient to
pay all amounts to which the Secured Party is legally entitled, the Company will
be liable for the deficiency. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the
Company waives all claims, damages and demands against the Secured Party arising
out of the repossession, removal, retention or sale of the Collateral, unless
due to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Secured Party.


8. Costs and Expenses. The Company agrees to pay all out-of-pocket fees,
costs and expenses incurred in connection with any filing required hereunder,
including without limitation, any financing statements, continuation statements,
partial releases and/or termination statements related thereto or any expenses
of any searches reasonably required by the Secured Party. The Company shall also
pay all other claims and charges which in the reasonable opinion of the Secured
Party might prejudice, imperil or otherwise affect the Collateral or the
Security Interest therein. The Company will also, upon demand, pay to the
Secured Party the amount of any and all reasonable expenses, including the
reasonable fees and expenses of its counsel and of any experts and agents, which
the Secured Party may incur in connection with (a) the enforcement of this
Agreement, (b) the custody or preservation of, or the sale of, collection from,
or other realization upon, any of the Collateral, or (c) the exercise or
enforcement of any of the rights of the Secured Party under the Note.

9. Responsibility for Collateral. The Company assumes all liabilities and
responsibility in connection with all Collateral, and the obligations of the
Company hereunder or under the Note and the Warrants shall in no way be affected
or diminished by reason of the loss, destruction, damage or theft of any of the
Collateral or its unavailability for any reason.

10. Security Interest Absolute. All rights of the Secured Party and all
Obligations of the Company hereunder, shall be absolute and unconditional,
irrespective of: (a) any lack of validity or enforceability of this Agreement,
the Note or any agreement entered into in connection with the foregoing, or any
portion hereof or thereof; (b) any change in the time, manner or place of
payment or performance of, or in any other term of, all or any of the
Obligations, or any other amendment or waiver of or any consent to any departure
from the Note or any other agreement entered into in connection with the
foregoing; (c) any exchange, release or nonperfection of any of the Collateral,
or any release or amendment or waiver of or consent to departure from any other
collateral for, or any guaranty, or any other security, for all or any of the
Obligations; (d) any action by the Secured Party to obtain, adjust, settle and
cancel in its sole discretion any insurance claims or matters made or arising in
connection with the Collateral; or (e) any other circumstance which might
otherwise constitute any legal or equitable defense available to the Company, or
a discharge of all or any part of the Security Interest granted hereby. Until
the Obligations shall have been paid and performed in full, the rights of the
Secured Party shall continue even if the Obligations are barred for any reason,
including, without limitation, the running of the statute of limitations or
bankruptcy. The Company expressly waives presentment, protest, notice of
protest, demand, notice of nonpayment and demand for performance. In the event
that at any time any transfer of any Collateral or any payment received by the
Secured Party hereunder shall be deemed by final order of a court of competent
jurisdiction to have been a voidable preference or fraudulent conveyance under
the bankruptcy or insolvency laws of the United States, or shall be deemed to be
otherwise due to any party other than the Secured Party, then, in any such
event, the Company's obligations hereunder shall survive cancellation of this
Agreement, and shall not be discharged or satisfied by any prior payment thereof
and/or cancellation of this Agreement, but shall remain a valid and binding
obligation enforceable in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof. The
Company waives all right to require the Secured Party to proceed against any
other person or to apply any Collateral which the Secured Party may hold at any
time, or to marshal assets, or to pursue any other remedy.


11. Term of Agreement. This Agreement and the Security Interest shall
terminate on the date on which all payments under the Note have been made in
full and all other Obligations have been paid or discharged. Upon such
termination, the Secured Party, at the request and at the expense of the
Company, will join in executing any termination statement with respect to any
financing statement executed and filed pursuant to this Agreement.

12. Power of Attorney; Further Assurances.

(a) The Company authorizes the Secured Party, and does hereby make,
constitute and appoint it, and its respective officers, agents, successors or
assigns with full power of substitution, as the Company's true and lawful
attorney-in-fact, with power, in its own name or in the name of the Company, to,
after the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default: (i)
endorse any notes, checks, drafts, money orders, or other instruments of payment
(including payments payable under or in respect of any policy of insurance) in
respect of the Collateral that may come into possession of the Secured Party;
(ii) to sign and endorse any UCC financing statement or any invoice, freight or
express bill, bill of lading, storage or warehouse receipts, drafts against
debtors, assignments, verifications and notices in connection with accounts, and
other documents relating to the Collateral; (iii) to pay or discharge taxes,
liens, security interests or other encumbrances at any time levied or placed on
or threatened against the Collateral; (iv) to demand, collect, receipt for,
compromise, settle and sue for monies due in respect of the Collateral; and (v)
generally, to do, at the option of the Secured Party, and at the Company's
expense, at any time, or from time to time, all acts and things which the
Secured Party deems necessary to protect, preserve and realize upon the
Collateral and the Security Interest granted therein in order to effect the
intent of this Agreement and the Note, all as fully and effectually as the
Company might or could do; and the Company hereby ratifies all that said
attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. This power of
attorney is coupled with an interest and shall be irrevocable for the term of
this Agreement and thereafter as long as any of the Obligations shall be

(b) On a continuing basis, the Company will make, execute,
acknowledge, deliver, file and record, as the case may be, in the proper filing
and recording places in any jurisdiction, including, without limitation, the
jurisdictions indicated on Schedule B, attached hereto, all such instruments,
and take all such action as may reasonably be deemed necessary or advisable, or
as reasonably requested by the Secured Party, to perfect the Security Interest
granted hereunder and otherwise to carry out the intent and purposes of this
Agreement, or for assuring and confirming to the Secured Party the grant or
perfection of a security interest in all the Collateral.

(c) The Company hereby irrevocably appoints the Secured Party as the
Company's attorney-in-fact, with full authority in the place and stead of the
Company and in the name of the Company, from time to time in the Secured Party's
discretion, to take any action and to execute any instrument which the Secured
Party may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes of this
Agreement, including the filing, in its sole discretion, of one or more
financing or continuation statements and amendments thereto, relative to any of
the Collateral without the signature of the Company where permitted by law.


(d) The Company shall execute such additional agreements and
documents necessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement.

13. Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications
hereunder shall be in writing, with copies to all the other parties hereto, and
shall be deemed to have been duly given when: (a) if delivered by hand, upon
receipt, (b) if sent by facsimile, upon receipt of proof of sending thereof, (c)
if sent by nationally recognized overnight delivery service (receipt requested),
the next business day or (d) if mailed by first-class registered or certified
mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, four days after posting in the
U.S. mails, in each case if delivered to the following addresses:

If to the Company: Digicorp
100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1750
Santa Monica, California 90401
Attention: Chief Executive Officer
Facsimile: (310) 752-1486

With a copy to (which shall not constitute notice):

Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP
1065 Avenue of the Americas, 21st Floor
New York, New York 10018
Attention: Marc J. Ross, Esq.
Facsimile: (212) 930-9725

If to the Secured Party: Rebel Holdings, LLC
6601 Center Drive West, Suite 200
Los Angeles, California 90045
Attention: Jay Rifkin
Facsimile: (310) 499-4334

With a copy to: Danzig Kaye Cooper Fiore & Kay, LLP
30A Vreeland Road
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
Attention: David M. Kaye, Esq.
Facsimile: (973) 443-0609

14. Other Security. To the extent that the Obligations are now or
hereafter secured by property other than the Collateral or by the guarantee,
endorsement or property of any other person, firm, corporation or other entity,
then the Secured Party shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to pursue,
relinquish, subordinate, modify or take any other action with respect thereto,
without in any way modifying or affecting any of the Secured Party's rights and
remedies hereunder.


15. Miscellaneous.

(a) No course of dealing between the Company and the Secured Party,
nor any failure to exercise, nor any delay in exercising, on the part of the
Secured Party, any right, power or privilege hereunder or under the Note shall
operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any
right, power or privilege hereunder or thereunder preclude any other or further
exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.

(b) All of the rights and remedies of the Secured Party with respect
to the Collateral, whether established hereby or by the Note or by any other
agreements, instruments or documents or by law shall be cumulative and may be
exercised singly or concurrently.

(c) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties
with respect to the subject matter hereof and is intended to supersede all prior
negotiations, understandings and agreements with respect thereto. Except as
specifically set forth in this Agreement, no provision of this Agreement may be
modified or amended except by a written agreement specifically referring to this
Agreement and signed by the parties hereto.

(d) In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held to be
invalid, prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction for any reason, unless
such provision is narrowed by judicial construction, this Agreement shall, as to
such jurisdiction, be construed as if such invalid, prohibited or unenforceable
provision had been more narrowly drawn so as not to be invalid, prohibited or
unenforceable. If, notwithstanding the foregoing, any provision of this
Agreement is held to be invalid, prohibited or unenforceable in any
jurisdiction, such provision, as to such jurisdiction, shall be ineffective to
the extent of such invalidity, prohibition or unenforceability without
invalidating the remaining portion of such provision or the other provisions of
this Agreement and without affecting the validity or enforceability of such
provision or the other provisions of this Agreement in any other jurisdiction.
(e) No waiver of any breach or default or any right under this Agreement shall
be considered valid unless in writing and signed by the party giving such
waiver, and no such waiver shall be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or
default or right, whether of the same or similar nature or otherwise.

(f) This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of
each party hereto and its successors and assigns.

(g) Each party shall take such further action and execute and
deliver such further documents as may be necessary or appropriate in order to
carry out the provisions and purposes of this Agreement.

(h) This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of
the State of California, except to the extent the validity, perfection or
enforcement of a security interest hereunder in respect of any particular
Collateral which are governed by a jurisdiction other than the State of
California in which case such law shall govern. Each of the parties hereto
irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of any California State or
United States federal court sitting in the County of Los Angeles over any action
or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement, and the parties
hereto hereby irrevocably agree that all claims in respect of such action or
proceeding may be heard and determined in such California State or federal
court. The parties hereto agree that a final judgment in any such action or
proceeding shall be conclusive and may be enforced in other jurisdictions by
suit on the judgment or in any other manner provided by law. The parties hereto
further waive any objection to venue in the State of California and any
objection to an action or proceeding in the State of California on the basis of
forum non conveniens.



(j) This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and, all of which taken
together shall constitute one and the same Agreement. In the event that any
signature is delivered by facsimile transmission, such signature shall create a
valid binding obligation of the party executing (or on whose behalf such
signature is executed) the same with the same force and effect as if such
facsimile signature were the original thereof.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Security Agreement
to be duly executed on the day and year first above written.


/s/ William B. Horne
William B. Horne
Chief Executive Officer


/s/ Jay Rifkin
Jay Rifkin
Managing Member



Principal Place of Business of the Company:

100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1750
Santa Monica, California 90401

Locations Where Collateral is Located or Stored:

100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1750
Santa Monica, California 90401




